Please provide the following information for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21:
• The value of grants made to each of the organisations listed below. Please provide the information for each of the three financial years separately, and list all grants separately.
• The value of loans made to each of the organisations listed below. Please provide the information for each of the three financial years separately, and list all loans separately.
The payments made to charities and third sector organisations relate to the following only:
• Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)
• Independent Sage
• NHS Confederation
• Keep our NHS public
• Care and Support Workers Organise
• Health Campaigns Together
• Doctors for the NHS
• We Own It
• The People's Assembly
• Zero Covid Coalition
• Health Campaign Together
• Docs Not Cops
• British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
• Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe
• Royal College of General Practitioners
• Royal College of Ophthalmology
• Royal College of Psychiatrists
• Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
The trust is requested to provide a list of motor vehicles operated (owned or leased) and currently licensed with the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority (“the DVLA”). Please include the following details.
1. Vehicle Make and Model;
2. Date new or date of acquisition.
3. Name and email address of the individual responsible for fleet management. Please ensure this is provided by PDF attachment.
Information in relation to motor vehicles operated (owned or leased) and currently licensed - DATA
1. The number of former employees who have left Velindre NHS Trust (including early retirement but excluding those who had reached retirement age) for:
(a) Financial year 2019-2020
(b) Financial year 2020-2021
(c) Financial year 2021-present day
(d) (Or equivalent calendar years if that is how records are kept)
2. The number of Velindre NHS Trust employees who have left Velindre NHS Trust for a secondment at any other institutions between
(a)Financial year 2019-2020
(b) Financial year 2020-2021
(c) Financial year 2021-present day
(d) (Or equivalent calendar years if that is how records are kept)
Could you also confirm total workforce numbers for:
(a) Financial year 2019-2020
(b) Financial year 2020-2021
(c) Financial year 2021-present day
(d) (Or equivalent calendar years if that is how records are kept)
Q1. How many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for renal cell carcinoma:
• Avelumab + Axitinib
• Axinitib
• Cabozantinib
• Everolimus
• Lenvantinib + Everolimus
• Nivolumab
• Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
• Pazopanib
• Pembrolizumab + Axitinib
• Pembrolizumab monotherapy
• Sunitinib
• Temsirolimus
• Tivozanib
• Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
Q2. How many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for melanoma (any stage):
• Cobimetinib
• Dabrafenib
• Dabrafenib AND Trametinib
• Encorafenib AND Binimetinib
• Ipilimumab
• Ipilimumab AND Nivolumab
• Nivolumab
• Pembrolizumab
• Trametinib
• Vemurafenib
• Vemurafenib AND Cobimetinib
• Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
• Palliative care only
Under Freedom of information, please can you supply the following:
- What advice to date have you given to all staff, GP practices and vaccinators under your authority, in relation to obtaining fully Informed Consent from patients before administering Covid-19 vaccines?
- Were patients routinely informed of the individual risk that Covid-19 posed to them, for their particular age group?
- Were patients routinely informed that these vaccines are still part of an ongoing trial until 2023?
- Were patients routinely informed that these vaccines were authorised for emergency use only?
- Were patients routinely informed that these mRNA vaccines have never before been used on human beings?
- Were patients routinely informed that the vaccine manufacturers currently all have immunity from liability for any adverse events and death?
- Were patients routinely informed there is no medium to long term safety data for these vaccines?
- Were patients routinely informed it is not known how these vaccines affect fertility or the reproductive system, especially in younger people?
- Were patients routinely informed of the constituent components / ingredients of the vaccines they received?
- Were patients routinely informed they can still catch and spread Covid-19 after vaccination?
- Were patients routinely made aware of the Yellow Card data for these vaccines, which shows a disturbingly high number of serious injuries and deaths compared to all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years?
- Exactly what other Informed Consent if any was given/obtained, relating to the risks and benefits of these vaccines?
My questions are below
General overview of The Datix CloudIQ management and administration
1. What is the name of the team that oversees the administration and management of The Datix CloudIQ in your organization.
2. For staff involved with the management and running of The Datix CloudIQ please provide a table showing staff titles, pay grade banding and hours worked with a summary of what the roles are, eg Head Of Risk Management, Pay Grade Banding 8b, full time 35 hours a week, description.
3. Please provide a organizational structure showing those roles and management responsibilities.
4. Has your organization recruited additional staff members to support The Datix CloudIQ or does it have plans to? Please provide details on what roles and pay grade banding if the answer is yes.
5. In the 6 months prior to your organization introducing The Datix CloudIQ what percentage (%) of each staff members time was spent on preparation for the introduction of The Datix CloudIQ and what percentage was spent undertaking they're usual working responsibilities.
Training for The Datix CloudIQ
6. Please provide a summary of how your organization approached training requirements to train staff for using The Datix CloudIQ.
7. What provisions for training your organization's staff were made available by the The Once for Wales Concerns Management System Programme.
8. Were any additional staff outside of the Datix management team listed in question 1 utilized to support training for The Datix Cloud IQ, e.g. Digital Learning teams, additional administration staff, utilization of clinical staff unable to undertake usual patient facing care and requiring non permanent redeployment. Please record this in a table with pay grades and hours worked in the same format as the answer to question 2.
9. On which date did your organization introduce The Datix CloudIQ.
User access for The Datix CloudIQ accounts
10. How many staff members in your organization have an account for The Datix CloudIQ.
11. Please provide this figure as a percentage (%) of staff employed by the organization as a whole, e.g, if 100 staff members have Datix accounts and there are 1000 staff employed in the organization that will be 10%.of staff with accounts to access The Datix CloudIQ.
12. Please provide a summary of your process for new staff members who require an account for The Datix CloudIQ.
13. Please provide a summary of your process for closing accounts on The Datix CloudIQ of staff members who are no longer employed by your organization or who have changed jobs and no longer require access.
Information Governance for The Datix CloudIQ accounts
14. Have processes for account management and access to confidential information on The Datix CloudIQ been approved by your organization's Information Governance department in line with NHS Wales Information Governance Policy.
15. What restrictions are in place to stop a staff member with an account on The Datix CloudIQ looking for private information on other staff members, politicians, celebrities and partners etc.
16. When did your organization last audit Datix or The Datix CloudIQ to review if confidential information was being reviewed appropriately.
17. Does your organization have an upcoming audit scheduled of the use of Datix or The Datix Cloud IQ to ascertain if confidential information is being reviewed appropriately.
18. Have any incidents been reported on Datix or The Datix CloudIQ relating to unlawful or unauthorised use of Datix or The Datix CloudIQ to access patient or staff information from January 2017 to December 2021. Please present information by calendar year, number of incidents and a brief description of the incidents and outcomes.
19. Have any incidents been reported on Datix or The Datix CloudIQ relating to unlawful or unauthorised use of any other patient or staff information systems from January 2017 to December 2021. Please present information by calendar year, number of incidents and a brief description of the incidents and outcomes.
General information on incidents and concerns
20. How many incidents were reported by your organization year by year from 2017 to 2021 (a five year period) and recorded on Datix/The Datix CloudIQ
21. How many concerns were received by your organization year by year from 2017 to 2021 (a five year period) and recorded on Datix/The Datix CloudIQ
22. How many claims were made against your organization year by year from 2017 to 2021 (a five year period).and recorded on Datix/The Datix CloudIQ
Overall impression of The Datix CloudIQ
23. Would your organization recommend the implementation of The Datix CloudIQ to other health organisations.
The current number of employees who are responsible solely or predominantly for diversity issues in your organisations (e.g. Diversity Officers, Inclusions Officers, etc., or those whose roles are mainly deal with similar responsibilities).
The total sum spent on the salaries of such roles.
The average salary and salary range of such roles.
1: Who is the head of procurement responsible for approving Biomedical Science/Pathology agency usage at Velindre UHB?
2: Who are the managers responsible for agency approval for Pathology/Laboratory agency usage (on and off framework) for the following departments at all hospitals associated with the Trust:
- Blood Sciences (Haematology, Biochemistry, and Blood Transfusion):
- Infectious Sciences (Microbiology, Virology, Molecular, Serology, COVID):
- Cellular Pathology
3: Please provide the contact numbers and email addresses in relation to question 1 and 2.
4: Have you used off-framework agency staff for Biomedical Science/Pathology between January 2021 and January 2022?
5: How much was your off-framework agency spend for each of the following departments between January 2021 and January 2022:
(a) Blood Sciences (Haematology, Biochemistry and Blood Transfusion):
(b) Infectious Sciences (Microbiology, Virology, Molecular, Serology, COVID):
(c) Cellular Pathology
6: How many roles were filled by off-framework agency workers between January 2021 and January 2022 for each of the departments outlined in question 5?
7: How many unfilled roles did you have between January 2021 and January 2022 for each of the departments outlined in question 5?
Information in relation to Biomedical Science/Pathology agency usage at Velindre - DATA