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April 2021

CORP 2021 - 044 - Quality Improvement services used at Velindre
 CORP 2021 - 044 - Quality Improvement services used at Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

What the name of the department(s) is that provides improvement, service improvement, quality improvement, continuous improvement or internal consultancy services to your organisation?

The job title(s) for the manager or executive responsible for quality improvement work in your organisation.

The name(s) of any formal improvement methodology or approach (eg Kaizen, Lean, Model for Improvement, Virginia Mason etc) that your organisation uses for quality improvement, continuous improvement, service improvement or internal consultancy projects. If it has been internally developed, please share any external approaches it has been based on.

The details of any awards or external recognition that your organisation has received for quality improvement projects / work in the last 3 years.

The approximate staff Full Time Equivalent (FTE) inside the team(s) identified in the answer to question 1 and the job titles of staff within those teams.

The approximate staff Full Time Equivalent (FTE) outside of the team(s) identified in the answer to question 1 but with a proportion of their time formally allocated to service improvement, quality improvement, continuous improvement or internal consultancy, and the name of the department(s) or teams which these staff work in.

The approximate total budget that your organisation has allocated to quality improvement in each of the last 3 years (financial or calendar years - whichever is easiest).

The approximate number of staff trained in quality improvement in each of the last 3 years (financial or calendar years - whichever is easiest).


CORP 2021 - 044 - Quality Improvement services used at Velindre DATA
 CORP 2021 - 044 - Quality Improvement services used at Velindre DATA (Word, 18Kb)

Quality Improvement services used at Velindre DATA

CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT
 CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT (Word, 1.3Mb)

I wish to obtain the following documents:

  1. ICT/IM&T/IS Strategy- The IT department strategy or plans, highlights their current and future objectives.
  2. ICT Org Chart- A visual document that presents the structure of the IT department, please include name and job titles. If this cannot be sent, please work towards a structure with job titles.
  3. ICT Annual or Business Plan- Like the ICT strategy but is more annually focused.
  4. ICT Capital Programme/budget- A document that shows financials budget on current and future projects.
CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 1
 CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 1 (PDF, 412Kb)

Trust’s internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 1

CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 2
 CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 2 (Excel, 12Kb)

Trust’s internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 2

CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 3
 CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 3 (Word, 772Kb)

Trust’s internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 3

CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 4
 CORP 2021 - 045 - Trust's internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 4 (PDF, 4.7Mb)

Trust’s internal plans and strategy documents around ICT DATA 4

CORP 2021 - 046 - The number of butterfly wing needles purchased by Velindre
 CORP 2021 - 046 - The number of butterfly wing needles purchased by Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

We would like to request information regarding butterfly wing needles purchased by the Trust in the last 3 years. 
The requested information is laid out in the attached spreadsheet for your completion.

CORP 2021 - 046 - The number of butterfly wing needles purchased by Velindre - DATA
 CORP 2021 - 046 - The number of butterfly wing needles purchased by Velindre - DATA (Excel, 33Kb)

The number of butterfly wing needles purchased by Velindre - DATA

CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre
 CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

1.Does the trust manage the digitisation of its patient records on-site or is this an outsourced service?

2. If outsourced who is the current provider, when did the contract start and what is the contract term?

a. Was this contract awarded via any Frameworks e.g. CCS RM1063?

b. What is the cost of digitising patient records within the trust?

c. What is the cost of digitising patient records with outsourced providers?

d. What are the trusts targets for having patient files scanned and hard-copy notes available as digital images?

CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre NWSSP DATA
 CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre NWSSP DATA (Word, 132Kb)

CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre NWSSP DATA

CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre DATA
 CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre DATA (Excel, 21Kb)

CORP 2021 - 047 Patient Record and Document Scanning at Velindre DATA

CORP 2021 - 049 - Welsh Infected Blood Support Scheme Information
 CORP 2021 - 049 - Welsh Infected Blood Support Scheme Information (Word, 1.3Mb)

Currently, how many beneficiaries are registered with the Welsh Infected Blood Support Scheme?

There are currently 208 beneficiaries of the Wales Infected Blood Support Scheme. 

How many of the beneficiaries are in each category? I.e HCV stage 1, HCV stage 2, SCM,HIV, co-infected, widows...

CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre
 CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

I am currently embarking on a research project around Cyber Security and was hoping you could provide me with some contract information relating to following information:
1.Standard Firewall (Network) - Firewall service protects your corporate Network from unauthorised access and other Internet security threats
2.Anti-virus Software Application - Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware, and more.
3.Microsoft Enterprise Agreement - is a volume licensing package offered by Microsoft. 
The information I require is around the procurement side and we do not require any specifics (serial numbers, models, location) that could bring threat/harm to the organisation.

CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre - DATA
 CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre - DATA (Excel, 11Kb)

CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre - DATA

CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre - REVIEW
 CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre - REVIEW (Word, 1.3Mb)

CORP 2021 - 050 - Information in relation to Firewall, Antivirus and Enterprise contracts at Velindre - REVIEW

CORP 2021 - 051 - Information in relation to Melanoma Skin Cancer information at Velindre
 CORP 2021 - 051 - Information in relation to Melanoma Skin Cancer information at Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

Information in relation to Melanoma Skin Cancer information at Velindre

CORP 2021 - 051 - Information in relation to Melanoma Skin Cancer information at Velindre DATA
 CORP 2021 - 051 - Information in relation to Melanoma Skin Cancer information at Velindre DATA (PDF, 1.7Mb)

Information in relation to Melanoma Skin Cancer information at Velindre DATA

CORP 2021 - 052 - Outsourced Radiology Reporting Services at Velindre
 CORP 2021 - 052 - Outsourced Radiology Reporting Services at Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

Outsourced Radiology Reporting Services at Velindre

CORP 2021 - 054 Information in relation to the all gifts and/or hospitality provided by the cybersecurity company Darktrace
 CORP 2021 - 054 Information in relation to the all gifts and/or hospitality provided by the cybersecurity company Darktrace (Word, 1.3Mb)

Please provide the following details of any and all gifts and/or hospitality provided by the cybersecurity company Darktrace (also known as Darktrace Limited, Darktrace Holdings and Darktrace Plc):

-- The monetary value;
-- The description;
-- The date;
-- The unit, office or department in which the recipients of the gifts/hospitality worked;
-- Whether the gifts/hospitality were accepted, rejected, or otherwise donated;

Please provide this information for any gifts/hospitality received from June 2013 onwards inclusive in the form of an itemised list for each instance of a gift and/or hospitality.

Please also disclose whether you were using Darktrace's services in May 2017.

Please provide the most up-to-date information as of the date this request is fulfilled in electronic (soft copy) form.

Velindre University NHS Trust, Unit 2,Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw, Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QZ
Tel: 029 2019 6161 

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