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World Cancer Research day

24 September 2024


Tuesday 24 September is the day to showcase the importance of cancer research in improving outcomes for patients.

It’s always inspiring when our patients become advocates for our research – their stories are powerful and really bring home the difference research can make to lives now and in the future.


Take a look at some of our patients talking about their experiences.

Polaroid style photos of four patients Anthony, Bryan, Farhana and Agustina


Anthony talks about the Concorde clinical trial.

Bryan was the first patient on our PEARL trial.

Farhana was part of our hugely successful FAKTION clinical trial - the link will take you to the ITV Wales this Week half hour programme about clinical trials where you can see Farhana talk about her experience. 

Agustina was the first patient on the Cardiff Cancer Research Hub's first clinical trial.


Over the past year we have showcased some of our people in research and our key achievements including:



Research across the Trust covers a range of cancer sites and types of study. 
The bigger the bubble the more research we are doing!


Bubble graph illustrating the comparative number of studies by cancer site or type of research


Dive into the detail with the RD&I Annual Report 2023-24

Velindre University NHS Trust, Unit 2,Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw, Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QZ
Tel: 029 2019 6161 

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