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Patient Experience

The front of Velindre Cancer Centre in the sunlight.

We want to hear from you!

Velindre University NHS Trust encourages patients and their families or carers to give feedback on their experiences of our services. 

This can be done by using the Civica system, which allows participants to complete a survey of questions about how they feel they have been treated. 

All questionnaires are anonymous unless participants choose to leave their contact details at the end of the questionnaire. 

Receiving real time feedback from our patients and donors, whether good or bad, helps us continually improve our services and make service decisions based upon your thoughts and experiences. You can see how we’re currently rated by patients and families on our Performance Reports page.

Should you wish to give feedback on any experience you have had, please complete a survey via the links below.

Raising a concern or complaint

Alternatively, if you wish to raise a concern about your experience at Velindre Cancer Centre, you can do this on our website. Find more information on our Concerns and Complaints page.

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