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January 2021

Corp2021 001 General waste contracts held at Velindre
 Corp2021 001 General waste contracts held at Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

General waste services contracts – The organisation’s primary general waste service contract.
Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract:
1.      Supplier/Provider of the services
2.      Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above.
3.      A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract.
4.      The number of sites the contract covers
5.      The start date of the contract
6.      The end date of the contract
7.      The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period.
8.      Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address.

Corp2021 001 General waste contracts held at Velindre - Data
 Corp2021 001 General waste contracts held at Velindre - Data (Excel, 23Kb)

General waste services contracts – The organisation’s primary general waste service contract.
Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract:
1.      Supplier/Provider of the services
2.      Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above.
3.      A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract.
4.      The number of sites the contract covers
5.      The start date of the contract
6.      The end date of the contract
7.      The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period.
8.      Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address.

Corp2021 002 Immunoglobulin brands distributed by the Welsh Blood Service,
 Corp2021 002 Immunoglobulin brands distributed by the Welsh Blood Service, (Word, 1.2Mb)

I would like to request FOI data for immunoglobulin brands distributed by the Welsh Blood Service with annual dispensing data for 2018, 2019 and 2020, broken down by product and vial size/concentration.
•    Vigam
•    Flebogamma
•    Gammaplex
•    Gamunex
•    Octagam
•    Kiovig
•    Intratect
•    Privigen
•    Iqymune
•    Panzyga
•    Gammanorm
•    Subcuvia
•    Subgam
•    Hizentra
•    Hyqvia
•    Cuvitru

Corp2021 003 Wybodaeth mewn perthynas â ffigurau ymddiswyddo staff yn Felindre
 Corp2021 003 Wybodaeth mewn perthynas â ffigurau ymddiswyddo staff yn Felindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

Cysylltaf yn unol â'r ddeddf rhyddid gwybodaeth.
•    Faint o staff y Bwrdd Iechyd wnaeth ymddiswyddo a gadael y Bwrdd fesul mis yn 2019 a fesul mis yn 2020?
•    Rhowch ddata ar gyfer staff clinigol a staff clinigol ar wahân os gwelwch yn dda.

Corp2021 003 Wybodaeth mewn perthynas â ffigurau ymddiswyddo staff yn Felindre - Data
 Corp2021 003 Wybodaeth mewn perthynas â ffigurau ymddiswyddo staff yn Felindre - Data (Excel, 9Kb)

Cysylltaf yn unol â'r ddeddf rhyddid gwybodaeth.
•    Faint o staff y Bwrdd Iechyd wnaeth ymddiswyddo a gadael y Bwrdd fesul mis yn 2019 a fesul mis yn 2020?
•    Rhowch ddata ar gyfer staff clinigol a staff clinigol ar wahân os gwelwch yn dda.
Cysylltaf yn unol â'r ddeddf rhyddid gwybodaeth.
•    Faint o staff y Bwrdd Iechyd wnaeth ymddiswyddo a gadael y Bwrdd fesul mis yn 2019 a fesul mis yn 2020?
•    Rhowch ddata ar gyfer staff clinigol a staff clinigol ar wahân os gwelwch yn dda.

Corp2021 004 Information in relation to Stonewall membership
 Corp2021 004 Information in relation to Stonewall membership (Word, 1.3Mb)

1.    The first date in which you became a member of Stonewall Cymru Diversity Champions Programme and confirm if you are still a member. 

2.    The amount of membership fees paid to Stonewall Cymru since joining their Diversity program.

 3.    Benefits received by Velindre NHS Trust from this Membership. 

Corp2021 007 Cyfeiriadau cartref staff y tu allan i Gymru
 Corp2021 007 Cyfeiriadau cartref staff y tu allan i Gymru (Word, 1.3Mb)

1. Faint o staff cyfredol eich sefydliad sydd â'u cyfeiriad cartref mewn awdurdod lleol y tu allan i Gymru.
2. Faint o staff cyfredol uwch dim rheoli/tim arwain/tim gweithredol neu gyfatebol eich sefydliad yn benodol sydd â'u cyfeiriad cartref mewn awdurdod lleol y tu allan i Gymru.

Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust
 Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust (Word, 1.2Mb)

Freedom of Information Act a structure chart for the organisation, inclusive of all 'Heads of Service,' 'Assistant Directors' and Directors with the full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions.

Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 1
 Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 1 (Excel, 34Kb)

Freedom of Information Act a structure chart for the organisation, inclusive of all 'Heads of Service,' 'Assistant Directors' and Directors with the full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions.

Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 3
 Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 3 (PDF, 128Kb)

Freedom of Information Act a structure chart for the organisation, inclusive of all 'Heads of Service,' 'Assistant Directors' and Directors with the full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions.

Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 2
 Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 2 (PDF, 93Kb)

Freedom of Information Act a structure chart for the organisation, inclusive of all 'Heads of Service,' 'Assistant Directors' and Directors with the full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions.

Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 4
 Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 4 (PDF, 403Kb)

Freedom of Information Act a structure chart for the organisation, inclusive of all 'Heads of Service,' 'Assistant Directors' and Directors with the full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions.

Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 5
 Corp2021 009 Organisational structure of Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 5 (PDF, 389Kb)

Freedom of Information Act a structure chart for the organisation, inclusive of all 'Heads of Service,' 'Assistant Directors' and Directors with the full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions.

Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust
 Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust (Word, 1.2Mb)

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding Rota Supplier information. Please can you complete the attached questions. 

Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 1
 Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 1 (Word, 17Kb)

•    I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding Rota Supplier information. Please can you complete the attached questions. 

Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 2
 Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 2 (Word, 16Kb)

•    I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding Rota Supplier information. Please can you complete the attached questions. 

Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 3
 Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 3 (Word, 16Kb)

•    I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding Rota Supplier information. Please can you complete the attached questions. 

Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 4
 Corp2021 010 Rota supplier information at Velindre University NHS Trust - Data 4 (Word, 16Kb)

•    I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding Rota Supplier information. Please can you complete the attached questions. 

Corp2021 012 Domestic Violence resources at Velindre
 Corp2021 012 Domestic Violence resources at Velindre (Word, 1.3Mb)

1. Domestic Violence resources at Velindre
2. If yes, do you provide access to an IDAA at every hospital site?
3. Do you employ a domestic abuse specialist nurse?
4. If yes, do you employ a domestic abuse specialist nurse at every hospital site?
5. Do you have a Domestic Abuse policy?
6. If yes, please provide a copy.
7. Do you produce an annual safeguarding report on domestic abuse?
8. Do you conduct internal audits to ensure compliance to the domestic abuse policy?
9. Have you conducted training for staff on domestic abuse in the last 12 months? If no, in the last 24 months?
10. How many domestic abuse, stalking and harassment (DASH) risk assessments were completed by the trust/health board in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020? 
11.How many domestic abuse, stalking and harassment (DASH) referrals were made by the trust/health board to a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020?

Corp2021 012 Domestic Violence resources at Velindre - Data 1
 Corp2021 012 Domestic Violence resources at Velindre - Data 1 (Word, 66Kb)

1. Domestic Violence resources at Velindre
2. If yes, do you provide access to an IDAA at every hospital site?
3. Do you employ a domestic abuse specialist nurse?
4. If yes, do you employ a domestic abuse specialist nurse at every hospital site?
5. Do you have a Domestic Abuse policy?
6. If yes, please provide a copy.
7. Do you produce an annual safeguarding report on domestic abuse?
8. Do you conduct internal audits to ensure compliance to the domestic abuse policy?
9. Have you conducted training for staff on domestic abuse in the last 12 months? If no, in the last 24 months?
10. How many domestic abuse, stalking and harassment (DASH) risk assessments were completed by the trust/health board in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020? 
11.How many domestic abuse, stalking and harassment (DASH) referrals were made by the trust/health board to a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020?

Velindre University NHS Trust, Unit 2,Charnwood Court, Parc Nantgarw, Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QZ
Tel: 029 2019 6161 

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