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Palliative care leaflets

To help you find the information you need quickly, our palliative care leaflets are listed below in alphabetical order.
If you cannot find the information you require, please contact our Patient Information Manager: email who will try to assist.

Opioids and driving
Opioids and driving

Strong painkillers can affect each person in a different way.  They may make you drowsy (sleepy) which can cause you to react slower than usual.  These effects can be made worse if you are also taking other medicines that can cause drowsiness.  Drinking alcohol whilst taking strong painkillers can also make you more drowsy.

Opioids in Care - Patient Information Manual
 Opioids in Care - Patient Information Manual (PDF, 733Kb)

The following pages explain what opioids are and what we think you may want to know about them. There is quite a lot of information here, most of it is based on questions our medical teams have been asked over the years.

Leki opioidowe w Opiece Paliatywnej - Polish version
 Leki opioidowe w Opiece Paliatywnej - Polish version (PDF, 702Kb)

Niniejsza ulotka tłumaczy czym są opioidy oraz zawiera wszelkie informacje, które powinieneś o nich wiedzieć. Zawarte tu treści zostały zebrane dzięki pytaniom zadanym personelowi medycznemu w poprzednich latach i udzielonym na nie odpowiedziom.

All Wales Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation DNACPR leaflet
All Wales Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation DNACPR leaflet

“Sharing and Involving”

Information for patients and their carers to help make decisions about CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

Issue date: February 2015

Lasting Power of Attorney
Do Not Attempt CPR (DNACPR)
Do Not Attempt CPR (DNACPR)

CPR is an emergency intervention that tries to restart your heart and breathing if they stop.  This can be a medical emergency but for many it is a natural process at the end of life. CPR is a separate and different intervention to the treatment that you are already receiving.

Fentanyl Patches
Fentanyl Patches

Fentanyl is the name of a drug used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is a strong painkiller related to morphine. The drug is contained within a sticky patch, and when applied to your body, gradually passes through your skin into your bloodstream. Once in your bloodstream, fentanyl acts within your body to relieve your pain.

Velindre Cancer Centre, Velindre Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2TL
Tel: 029 2061 5888 
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