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Site Questions

Air Quality

We are monitoring air quality in the area surrounding the site for the new Velindre Cancer Centre. In advance of the enabling works, we have been collecting data to determine baseline readings. 

Air quality is the term used to describe how polluted the air we breathe is. When air quality is poor, pollutants in the air may be hazardous to people.

Monitoring of Air Quality is a condition that forms part of our Planning Permission for the new Velindre Cancer Centre. In fact, it is a standard planning condition for major infrastructure developments such as the new centre.  We’ll be publishing the monitoring reports for the public to see. 

Contained in both reports you will find  the DEFRA Air Quality Index Table that set out targets for air quality. The air quality standards are levels recommended by the Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards (EPAQS) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) with regards to current scientific knowledge about the effects of each pollutant on health and the environment.

The data is based on information captured by air quality units we have located in the Whitchurch area. They are: 

1.    two Zephyr units located on lamposts on Park Road and the Hollybush Inn and a DM11 Pro unit also situated on Park Road, which monitor concentrations of particulate matter for NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 in the air.  This is data captured live and reported daily. The data is presented in a readable format and the report will be issued monthly.  

2.    six diffusion tube units to monitor NO2 in the air. Samples are taken on a monthly basis and sent to lab for analysis. This report will be produced and issued quarterly. 

If you have any further questions, please get in touch via

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The site

Why can’t we stay at the current Velindre Cancer Centre site?

The number of people diagnosed with cancer is increasing.
The 60 year-old Velindre Cancer Centre does not have the facilities or space to meet this future challenge.

Why it must be built on the site of the northern meadows?
The northern meadows was selected because it is NHS owned where the principle of development is already well established and agreed by the council. (The council has already granted planning permission for housing on the site).

The site’s proximity to the M4 and A470 means that it provides easier access for three quarters of our patients who travel to us from across south East Wales. They will no longer have to travel into the village of Whitchurch.

Thirdly, the site provides the space and quality of outlook which will help our patients and their wellbeing at difficult and anxious times.

If we did not build the new cancer centre on the northern meadows site we would lose two more years and the money it costs to find a new site and develop plans for it. We would face the uncertainty of applying for planning permission and negotiating acceptable land agreements. More importantly, the current site does not meet modern hospital standards and there’s no space for development. Over a further two years, our current services, site and equipment would be stretched beyond what they can cope with. People with cancer would feel the consequences.

Who owns the land on which the new cancer centre is planned?

The northern meadows site, which is next to Whitchurch Hospital, is owned by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. We plan to swap the site for the existing Velindre Cancer Centre land.
Why can’t you build on the existing Whitchurch Hospital site instead of the northern meadows?
The site is not big enough to achieve the patient experience we are aiming for.

The northern meadows site is bigger than the current Velindre Cancer Centre and Whitchurch Hospital sites put together.

It will also improve access to the new Velindre Cancer Centre for three-quarters of our patients who come from areas outside of Cardiff.

The old Whitchurch Hospital is also listed which makes it difficult to redevelop as a modern cancer centre.


Planning and construction

When will construction of the new Velindre Cancer Centre begin?

The Enabling Works are due to begin in late summer/autumn 2022.  We plan to start building the new Velindre Cancer Centre in 2023.

Will there be a second, emergency, access to the site?

Yes, every hospital needs a second access for use in emergencies if the main access cannot be used. We have planning permission for access via the Hollybush estate which could only be used in emergencies.  However, a new application to move the emergency access to a southern location has been submitted to Cardiff Council.

Emergencies are defined as times when the main access is unavailable. There is no Accident and Emergency service at the new centre.

How many construction jobs are likely to be created during the building work?

The number of jobs on site will vary at any one time, up to about 500 at the peak period. After we have agreed the design and construction method and appointed contractors, we will be able to give a more definitive answer about the numbers and how many are newly created.

Will the building of the new cancer centre comply with the Well-being of Future Generations Act?

Our plans will help achieve the seven goals set up by the Act. We have adopted the five ways of working – the sustainable development principle – set out by the law.

We have explained our plans to the Future Generations Commissioner and remain in contact with her staff.

Who is going to build the new cancer centre?


In July 2022, Velindre University NHS Trust announced that the Acorn Consortium had been appointed as the successful participant following the competitive dialogue process.  You can find out more about Acorn and the partners involved in the project here where you will also find images of the winning design.

Acorn consortium on board to develop the new Velindre Cancer Centre


Travel and parking

Which other methods of transport have been considered to help access the new Velindre Cancer Centre?
We are working with Transport for Wales, Cardiff City Council and other organisations to make sure that patients, staff and the public have a wide range of transport options into the site.

We also want to provide a number of footpaths and cycle routes.

We support proposals for a new South Wales Metro station serving the new cancer centre.

Will there be enough parking for staff and patients on site?
Yes. We have planning permission for 755 car parking places on the new site. This is 390 more places than we have at the moment. We will put in place a green travel plan to help staff get to work by public transport, by bike and on foot.

Will there be a charge for car parking at the new Velindre Cancer Centre?
No. Parking will be free of charge.

How will access to the new site via Coryton Roundabout be improved?
We are working with Asda on a series of improvements to the roadworks on the current Asda superstore site to improve access. You can read more about this on our website where you will also find images of what the outcome of the works will look like.

Temporary roads

I understand that there will be temporary roads into the site too?

We need temporary roads for the construction traffic to build the bridge from Asda into the site for the new Velindre Cancer Centre and to build the centre itself.

Where will the temporary construction roads be?
The first starts at the existing entrance to the Whitchurch Hospital grounds and will follow the existing road on the site. From there we will construct a short link to the site.
The second temporary construction road is from land at Lady Cory’s Field, near the Pantmawr Road junction on Park Road.


Are you building on the whole site?

The Design Brief, a key document that formed part of the public tender documentation associated with the competition to develop the new Velindre Cancer Centre in spring 2021, clearly states: "In recognition of public concern, the majority of the site must remain green with the Velindre University NHS Trust committed to retaining 60% of the development site as landscape with a 40% build footprint. " It was a key commitment from Velindre University NHS Trust and Acorn have delivered on it. Combined, the new cancer centre and its green roofs, the road, the proposed car park and the new Maggies centre form a 40% footprint on the site.

Will you be clearing trees from the site?

Unfortunately yes. For every tree cleared as part of the development of the new Velindre Cancer Centre, we will plant two trees. The trees due to be cleared will be classed as per the British Standard BS55837.

Will the development increase the risk of flooding?
We will do all we can to make sure that the risk of flooding is not increased by construction of the new Velindre Cancer Centre.
Specifically, since January 2019, new developments covering more than 100m2 are required to provide sustainable drainage. Surface water drainage systems must be designed and built in accordance with mandatory standards for sustainable drainage published by the Welsh Government.

Our drainage proposals for the new site will need to be approved by Cardiff City Council acting in its role as the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Approving Body.

Community facilities

Will facilities at the new Velindre Cancer Centre be available to the community?

Yes. The public will be able to use the community café and grounds of the cancer centre. You can read more about the Reserved Matters application which is currently live on the Cardiff Council website here.

We want the new Velindre Cancer Centre to be a community asset which benefits a wide range of people and partners across South East Wales.

Will the local community still have access to the site?
Yes. We are committed to ensuring that the facilities and grounds are seen as a public amenity for use by everyone. We will make sure there are footpaths and cycle routes which are fully accessible to the public wherever possible across the site.

Costs and funding

How is the new Velindre Cancer Centre being funded?

The new Velindre Cancer Centre is being funded through a Mutual Investment Model with the support of the Welsh Government, the four local health boards in South East Wales and the Welsh Health Specialist Services Committee.

What is the Mutual Investment Model?
The Mutual Investment Model (MIM) is a Welsh Government policy to finance major capital projects and support additional investment in social and economic infrastructure projects and help to improve public services in Wales.

As noted on the Welsh Government’s website, “MIM schemes will see private partners build and maintain public assets. In return, the Welsh Government will pay a fee to the private partner, which will cover the cost of construction, maintenance and financing the project. At the end of the contract the asset will be transferred into public ownership.”

Further technical information about the MIM process is available on the Welsh Government’s website here.


When will the current Velindre Cancer Centre be closed?
We expect to close the current Velindre Cancer Centre after we have moved all our services to the new centre.

Our plan is to then decommission the site.

What will happen to the current Velindre Cancer Centre site when the new Velindre Cancer Centre opens?
Once the current Velindre Cancer Centre is decommissioned, we will transfer ownership of the site to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.


Final Injunction Order

On 26th April the High Court granted Velindre University NHS Trust an Order for a final injunction. The injunction prohibits the Defendants named or identified in the order, which includes “persons unknown” that is to say anyone – from undertaking direct action within the Land specified in the Order. Direct Action is defined in full in the order but effectively means anyone unlawfully taking specific action to disrupt the Works. “Works” is also defined in the Order. You can find the relevant documents under folder 11 below.
The Final Injunction Order will remain in place until 1 July 2025

The Land to which the interim injunction applies is marked in the map here in blue. ‘Works’ is also defined in the Order.

We want to ensure that everyone understands the scope of the injunction. Most importantly, we want to reassure our local community that it will not impact their day to day lives in the area at all, including being able to peacefully protest. It only covers those undertaking unlawful direct action.

If anyone has any questions about the process do not hesitate to get in touch with  and we will answer as soon as possible.

We want to thank everyone for your continued cooperation.

