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Why do we need a new strategy?


Across all of our services and the wider health and care system, it is clear that things are changing:




We serve a growing and ageing population, with a range of local challenges relating to health, ill-health and inequalities, requiring us to better coordinate and join up care


People’s expectations are changing with the reasonable expectation that our services will be personalised to their needs. Our buildings, facilities and green spaces are a vital part of patient, donor and staff experience, are pivotal in improving mental health and well-being and will play an important role in developing thriving and resilient communities


A Healthier Wales sets out a clear path to move from ill-health to well-being. Reducing the environmental and health impact of our estate is a priority for NHS Wales


Technology, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, provides healthcare with the opportunity to transform the way we deliver services, increasing the value for patients, donors and our partners in a more sustainable way


We need to reduce carbon emissions, drive energy efficiency, reduce plastics and waste, improve air quality and use resources more efficiently to move from ill-health to well-being

The climate emergency and need to develop a sustainable approach to living on the planet; a global challenge we need to respond to