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Vaccine accordion

Will I be offered a vaccine by Velindre University NHS Trust?

Velindre University NHS Trust will be offering a vaccine to patients who have had treatment through Velindre Cancer Centre in the past 18 months.
Patients will be offered appointments at weekend vaccination sessions taking place at Velindre Cancer Centre. 

Patients will be offered appointments at weekend vaccination sessions taking place at Velindre Cancer Centre.

What if I live in a care home, I am unable to leave the house for a vaccination or have poor mobility?

Patients that live in a care home, who are housebound or who have poor mobility will be contacted by their local health board to arrange vaccination.

How will I be notified of my appointment?

All patients aged 80 and over should have already been contacted by telephone or letter to arrange their appointment. 

Patients aged 70-79 and those aged 69 years and younger who are in the extremely vulnerable category will soon receive a letter with details of their pre-allocated appointment at Velindre Cancer Centre. 

When will I be notified of my appointment?

In line with the priority grouping of patients, we have now made contact with all over 80s who have had treatment through Velindre Cancer Centre in the past 18 months. 

Every patient over the age of 50 who has received treatment through Velindre Cancer Centre in the past 18 months will have been offered a vaccine before spring 2021. 

What do I need to do once I've received my letter?

Simply turn up on the day. You do not need to confirm your attendance prior to your appointment.

Please follow the instructions in your letter and turn up no more than ten minutes early to the appointment slot you have been allocated.

What if I can't make my appointment?

We realise not everyone will be able to attend the slot they have been allocated but we ask that you make every effort to attend your appointment wherever possible. If it simply isn’t possible for you to attend the slot you have been allocated you can call the number in your appointment invitation letter to reschedule or refuse the appointment. 

Vaccination appointments are in high demand therefore we need anyone that cannot make their allotted appointment to contact us so that the appointment slot can be offered to someone else. 

I have been invited by Velindre Cancer Centre and also by my GP, what should I do?

You should accept whichever appointment you feel most comfortable attending. However, please let us know if you do not wish to attend the appointment you have been allocated by us so that we can re-allocate your appointment to another patient. 

You can call the number in your invitation letter to reschedule or refuse your appointment.