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Information centre

Our information centre is for everyone

Situated near the main entrance, our information centre offers a range of cancer information and help guides. We provide access to the internet via a computer dedicated patient/visitor use. A free telephone service is linked to most cancer helplines. There are chairs where you can sit and read or you can take information away to read later. You are free to spend as much time in the centre as you like. Our 'patient information bags' can also be found here. The bags contain essential information for anyone with cancer.

If you require any help or advice, our patient information manager is available Monday to Friday during office hours. The managers office is next door to the information centre.
We are pleased to work with many outside organisations and have a calendar of events page that gives details and dates of forthcoming events.
Our information centre includes:

  • cancer types and treatments
  • local support groups and services
  • emotional and practical help
  • life after cancer
  • bereavement
  • support for carers
  • health promotion 

We also have information on DVD, CD, cassette, Braille, Welsh and some other languages.

Velindre Cancer Centre, Velindre Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2TL
Tel: 029 2061 5888 
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