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Research, Development and Innovation highlights 2023-24

Headline statistics and standout news stories from our RD&I Annual Report 2023 - 24


RD&I Strategies

Overarching Cancer Research and Development Ambitions for Velindre University NHS Trust 2021-31

Our vision is to work with patients and partners to design and deliver excellent research that improves the survival and enhances the lives of patients and their families.

Read the document.


Velindre University NHS Trust Radiotherapy Research Strategy 2020-2025

This document sets out a strategy for radiotherapy research at Velindre University NHS Trust (VUNHST), including Velindre Cancer Centre (VCC), the proposed Radiotherapy Satellite (RTS) and the new Velindre Cancer Centre (nVCC).

Read the document.

Welsh Blood Service Research Development Strategy

Welsh Blood Service will advance donor care and transfusion and transplantation medicine through the inception and participation in high quality health services research.

Read the document.