Without research, many of the treatments and types of care that we routinely receive today in the NHS would not be available.
High quality research is only possible with the support of members of the public and patients. Without people agreeing to take part in research studies we would not see improvements in treatment and care.
There are many different ways people can take part in health and social care research, including:
Research is a routine part of treatment and care in NHS Wales. You can find out about why it's important, how to get involved, what the benefits are and what is involved for people who take part, on the Health and Care Research Wales website.
Public involvement is where members of the public share their time and personal experiences to help decide what research happens and how it happens. They work with researchers to plan, manage and carry out research.
Involvement can take many forms, it can include:
For more information on the public involvement community and how to join please visit: What is public involvement in research?
The Cancer Research UK website provides a lot of information on clinical trials including:
Find out more on the Cancer Research UK website.
Be Part of Research is an online service that explains what it might mean to take part in research and what research is currently happening in Wales and the UK.
To find out more visit Be Part of Research.
You can join the HealthWise Wales study if you are aged 16 or over and live in Wales, everyone is invited to join!
HealthWise Wales is a research study aiming to develop better treatments and manage long term health conditions such as heart disease, dementia, diabetes, mental health and cancer. Whether you’re young or old, fit or unwell, by registering online you will be asked to answer simple questions about your health and lifestyle every six months. The information you provide will help the NHS in Wales plan for the future and will protect the health of the nation. This is your opportunity to be part of shaping the health and wellbeing of future generations in Wales.
Answering simple questions about your health and lifestyle will help to protect your health and that of your friends, family, and of the future generations of Wales.