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ARC Academy funding application process

1. Funding application is developed.

2. All applications to be reviewed by relevant department management or service lead, such as Head of Radiation Services, Clinical Director. Recommendations or comments to be made, including highlighting any perceived risks or issues.

3. An Executive or Sponsor to be identified and endorse the application.

4. Review and recommendations made by relevant operational research department if required.

5. Review and recommendations made by relevant research committee if required.

6. Review and recommendations made from relevant senior leadership team.

7. Submission to ARC Advisory Group for review and comment. Feedback will be provided to applicants to consider and amend application if required.

8. Submission to ARC Board with Advisory Group comments (and from any other reviewing groups/persons). A decision will be made at this stage, with feedback given to applicants.


**NB - further scrutiny may be required during the process, at the request of any of the named groups, such as ethics review, external peer review. The funding application process may need adapting depending on local cancer centre practice.