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If you have chest pain, difficulty breathing, stroke, seizure, loss of consciousness, major blood loss or any other medical emergency, please call 999.

If you are feeling unwell and are receiving anti-cancer drug treatment (also called SACT – systemic anti-cancer therapy), call: 02920 615888 and ask for the Treatment Helpline.

SACT includes intravenous and tablet chemotherapy, intravenous immunotherapy, and other tablets or injections to treat cancer.​ 


The Treatment Helpline service is only for patients who are feeling unwell (with or without a temperature higher than 37.5C) and are receiving SACT through Velindre Cancer Centre. 

If your problem does not fall within this category, please refer to the numbers below for alternative services you can access. 

Examples of what we can provide advice for include but are not limited to:

  • Fever (temperature above 37.5C) 
  • Symptoms of infection (for example cough, urinary symptoms) 
  • Sickness (nausea and vomiting) 
  • Diarrhoea  
  • Constipation 
  • Rashes and skin changes 
  • Fatigue that is stopping you managing your basic daily activities 
  • Peripheral neuropathy (pins and needles, numbness or cold hands and feet) if this has not been explained as an expected side effect of your treatment 

This service is staffed by call handlers who will ask you details about your problem, but they are unable to provide medical advice​. 

At peak times, your call will go to an answerphone and will be returned as soon as someone is available. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including public/bank holidays. Once you have left a message, please be assured we will return your call.  

Please leave your full name, Velindre (‘V’) number (your hospital number, which is a 7 digit code, specific to you, which can be found at the top of any of the letters you have received from us), the best contact number to call you back on, and a short message about your problems so that we can prioritise the return calls.​ 

Your symptoms will be reviewed by a nurse who will do one of the following:​ 

  • Advise the call handler to call you back with instructions on what to do​ 
  • Call you back themselves​ 
  • Discuss your case with a senior nurse, advanced clinical practitioner or doctor before calling you back or asking the call handler to do so

It is possible that we will advise you to see your GP or attend A&E or your local hospital if we feel that is the most appropriate way to manage your symptoms.


Other patient services

If you are feeling unwell but are not on SACT currently, and have not had any chemotherapy in the last six weeks or immunotherapy in the last 18 months, it is unlikely that your symptoms are related to your anti-cancer treatment. Please therefore contact your GP or 111.

If you think your symptoms are related to your cancer and you have a community palliative care team, they may also be able to help you. 

If you are currently receiving radiotherapy (with or without SACT) or completed this in the last six weeks and your symptoms relate only to the radiotherapy:

The radiotherapy review team may be able to advise you. The review team can be contacted via our Switchboard on 02920615888 ext 6421

At peak times, your call will go to an answerphone and will be returned as soon as someone is available. This service is available 8am-6pm Monday to Friday, excluding public/bank holidays. Once you have left a message, please be assured we will return your call. 

Outside of these hours and if your call is urgent, please contact the treatment helpline.  

If you are unsure about a SACT treatment appointment:
The treatment bookings team can be contacted on 02920 615888, extension 4495. Please be aware that at peak times you may go through to an answerphone, please leave a message with your full name, Velindre (‘V’) number and your query, and they will get back to you. 

If you are unsure about a radiotherapy treatment appointment:
The treatment bookings team can be contacted on 02920 196836. Please be aware that at peak times you may go through to an answerphone, please leave a message with your full name, Velindre (‘V’) number and your query, and they will get back to you. 

If you are unsure about a clinic appointment with one of the Velindre Cancer Centre team:
Please contact the medical records team for outpatient appointments on 02920 316234.  

Unfortunately, we are unable to advise on appointments with staff who do not work for Velindre in other health boards as we do not have access to their appointment system. 

If you are unsure about an Xray, or a CT, bone or MRI scan appointment at Velindre Cancer Centre:
Please contact the Radiology Department (Xray) on 02920 615888 ext 6252. This team cannot give you scan results or tell you when a scan will be reported. Your consultant will arrange an appointment as soon as the results are available and have been reviewed. 

If your scans are usually done in your local hospital:
Please contact the relevant Radiology Department for advice.

If you need to book transport to or from an appointment:
The transport team can be contacted on 030 0123 2302. They require 48 hours’ notice to change your booking. 

If you have a query about your cancer itself or are experiencing new symptoms:
Please contact your Clinical Nurse Specialist or Key Worker. 
The numbers can be found under the directory webpage.

If you need advice about welfare rights, benefits or financial support:
Please contact the supportive care team on 02920 316277.

If you would like copies of our patient information leaflets:
Please contact our Patient Information team on 02920 196132.

If you would like spiritual care:
 can provide support for all religions and denominations, and for anyone seeking spiritual care. Please contact our team on 02920 615888 and ask for the Chaplaincy Service.

If none of the above can help, please contact your consultant’s secretary via this webpage.


  • Marie Curie Hospice 02920 426000 (out of hours 111)
  • City Hospice 02920 524150 (out of hours 111)
  • St David’s Foundation 01633 851051 (out of hours 111)
  • Hospice of the Valleys 01495 717277 (out of hours 07970 812812)
  • Cwm Taf South 01443 443758 (Saturday/Sunday 9am–5pm 01443 444069)
  • Cwm Taf North (Macmillan Community Team) 01443 715154 / 01443 715155 (Saturday/Sunday 9am-5pm 01443 444069)
  • Y Bwthyn Newydd (Bridgend) 01656 752003/752004 (out of hours 01656 752752)