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Nuclear medicine at Velindre

We provide a range of diagnostic imaging, non-imaging and therapy procedures.

Nuclear Medicine looks at the function of different parts of the body. Patients receive a radiopharmaceutical (a radioactive tracer) as part of the diagnostic investigation or treatment.

A highly specialised camera, (called a Gamma Camera), takes images where the tracer uptake occurs.  This camera’s computer can create 3D images of the uptake if we perform a SPECT scan. If we need to pinpoint exactly where that uptake is in the body, we perform a CT scan. The CT scan shows the anatomy or structures in that area of the body. The two sets of data can be overlaid to create a SPECT/CT scan.

Imaging tests include:

  • Bone scans
  • Gated blood pool studies (MUGA)
  • Iodine scans (post therapy)
  • DMSA (renal) scans
  • Lung scans

Non-imaging tests can include:

  • estimations of Glomerular Filtration Rate
  • thyroid uptakes.

Therapeutic administrations of radionuclides are used in the treatment of:

  • thyrotoxicosis
  • thyroid cancer
  • malignant phaeochromocytoma
  • bone pain

Some of our treatments require the patient to stay in hospital for a few days.


Diagnostic imaging referrals are assessed by a Consultant Radiologist prior to any exposure. Non-imaging requests are assessed by a Consultant Oncologist. Therapy administration referrals are only accepted from approved Consultant Oncologists. The referrals cover routine clinical investigations and those required for the department’s participation in Clinical Trials. Any exposure to radiation is fully assessed and justified and authorised before the investigation or treatment proceeds. This  ensures the investigation or treatment is deemed to be of benefit to the patient.


If the diagnostic test or treatment requires some radiation protection restrictions to be followed, these will be covered in the  appointment letter. Staff will be happy to answer any queries before the appointment date.

The department

Major equipment

Dual headed SPECT/CT Gamma camera

Automatic sample counter

Biological safety cabinet for dispensing radiopharmaceuticals

Fume hood 

Thyroid uptake counter


The team is made up of Clinical Scientists and Clinical Technologists. 

Radiologists, Oncologists, ward staff and other department staff are linked closely with the department.

Contact telephone number

For any queries, please ring: 02920 316237

We have 2 isotope cubicles dedicated for this use.

Velindre Cancer Centre, Velindre Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2TL
Tel: 029 2061 5888 
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