Opening in 2025, our new £38 million Radiotherapy Unit at Nevill Hall will increase our capacity to deliver radiotherapy services to the patients of south east Wales.
Our goal is to create a world-class facility that offers high-quality care for cancer patients in south east Wales. Once fully operational, the Radiotherapy Unit at Nevill Hall will increase our capacity to deliver radiotherapy treatments by 20%. Staffed by a dedicated team of Velindre Cancer Service experts, the Unit will operate as an extension of Velindre Cancer Centre in Whitchurch.
The Satellite Radiotherapy Unit will increase Velindre's ability to deliver radiotherapy, helping us see more patients each week and reduce waiting times. The increased capacity will benefit patients at the Satellite Radiotherapy Unit and at Velindre Cancer Centre.
Initially, the Unit will see Breast and Prostate cancer patients who meet our clinical criteria. Over time, the Unit may start to treat patients with other cancers.
Patients from across south east Wales who are referred to Velindre for their radiotherapy treatment will be assigned to either Velindre Cancer Centre in Whitchurch or the Velindre Radiotherapy Unit at Nevill Hall.
The decision on which location a patient is referred will be based on several factors, including:
We are dedicated to working with health boards in south east Wales to ensure you receive the best possible care. This centre is part of our ongoing effort to improve cancer services and outcomes for our community.
The Radiotherapy Unit is set to open by summer 2025. We are excited to bring these advanced services to you and support your journey to recovery.
If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help you every step of the way.
Nevill Hall Hospital
Brecon Road
By Car: Please view Google Maps for directions. On-site parking is available for patients receiving radiotherapy.
By Bus: View: Bus Times
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