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Psychology FAQs accordion

What are Clinical Psychologists and Counsellors?

Clinical Psychologists and Counsellors are trained in the assessment and treatment of psychological difficulties. They are different to psychiatrists as they cannot prescribe medication or admit people into hospital. The team within this service are all registered with the Health Care Professions Council or the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

What should I do if I would like a referral to this service?

You can ask any member of your healthcare team at Velindre to refer you to our service. We will write to you asking you to confirm that you would like an appointment with our service. If you do, we will call to arrange an assessment appointment. We can offer appointments in person at Velindre Cancer Centre, or remotely via video or phone. There are no costs involved.

What will happen when I'm referred to the service?

The first meeting is with a member of the team to discuss what you would like help with, what you have been going through, and if psychological therapy can help you. This usually lasts an hour.

At the end of the first meeting, you can decide if you would like to see a member of the team for psychological therapy. You may be placed on a waiting list for this. If at any time, you no longer feel you need an appointment or therapy please let us know.

Some people have found it particularly useful to share experiences with others going through similar difficulties, so we can also direct you to group support sessions.

Will what I share with the service be kept confidential?

Your psychologist/counsellor may make short notes about the work you do together. These notes are confidential and are not shown to other professionals.

They may also write in your medical notes and share some information with other professionals closely involved in your care (including your GP). This is to let them know you are working together and to improve the care and support you receive. You can ask to have a copy of all letters written about you.

Please tell your psychologist/counsellor what you would and would not like shared with other health professionals or if you have any concerns about confidentiality.

If your psychologist/counsellor is worried that you or someone else is at risk of harm, they have a duty of care to pass this information on to other services (e.g., your GP) to make sure you receive the support you need.

How do I get to the Clinical Psychology Department?

We are currently located in the Rowan Ward of Velindre Cancer Centre. If you are not familiar with where this is, you can check in at the main Velindre reception and we will send someone to guide you to the department. Alternatively, you can watch this video for directions to the department.