An Armed Forces Network to support employees who are Reservists, Veterans and spouses/partners.
Support teams of staff to take part in Exercise Medical Stretch, resulting in members of staff becoming Reservists at 203 Field Hospital.
Armed Forces involvement at Trust Board meetings and ‘lunch and learn’ events.
Reservists involvement in Business Continuity Planning arrangements.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 203 (Welsh) Field Hospital, including the launch of a joint Clinical Excellence Award.
Commitment to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Prince of Wales Cadet Scheme which provides nursing cadets structured placements at VCC and the Welsh Blood Service (WBS).
Joined the Career Transition Partnership and committed to a guaranteed interview process for those that meet essential skills criteria.
Working towards the Veterans Aware Accreditation and setting up an Amed Forces Steering Group to cover both workforce and patient pathways.