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Strategy Lead:
Joanna Doyle, Clinical and Strategy Lead

Executive Leads:
Nicola Williams, Executive Director of Nursing, AHP’S and Healthcare Scientists
Dr Jacinta Abraham, Executive Medical Director

Engagement Lead:
Lisa Miller, Head of Patient Engagement



Velindre University NHS Trust (VUNHST) wishes to engage internal and external stakeholders to seek views on the aims within its proposed Clinical and Scientific Strategy.

The Trust Strategy, Destination 2033 was launched in 2023 outlining five key strategic goals:

  • To be recognised as outstanding for quality, safety and experience.
  • An internally renowned provider of exceptional clinical services that always meet, and routinely exceed expectations.
  • A beacon for research, development and innovation in our stated areas of priority.
  • An established University Trust which provides highly valued knowledge and learning for all.
  • A sustainable organisation that plays its part in creating a better future for people across the globe.

The Clinical and Scientific Strategy builds upon Velindre University NHS Trust overarching strategy ‘Destination 2033’ and is part of a suite of enabling strategies that will enable the Trust to deliver ‘Destination 2033’, the Welsh Blood Strategy and the Velindre Cancer Strategy.

The Clinical and scientific strategy will set out the clinical and scientific strategic direction for the Trust including our clinical and scientific workforce based on our agreed priorities, provide a 5-year blueprint for clinical and scientific developments and confirm the role that the Trust plays within the regional and national context. As part of the strategy, we will develop a set of core clinical and scientific principles that will facilitate the Trust to be far more clinically and scientifically led.


What do we mean by a Clinical and Scientific Strategy?

The Clinical and Scientific Strategy will help the Trust be more clinically and scientifically led and to become a leader in clinical and scientific developments and innovations as well as ensuring we keep up to date with best practice care and service delivery so we can better serve our population.


What engagement have we done so far? Seeking the views of the public and our workforce

Widespread engagement will ensure that Velindre University NHS Trust’s Clinical and Scientific vision, strategic aims are also grounded in what is important to our patients, donors and stakeholders. The views and feedback from our patients, donors and stakeholders will be used to help inform the future clinical and scientific direction and priorities which will, in turn have a positive impact on the delivery of high quality, effective and sustainable care and services.

Since October 2023 extensive engagement has taken place with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders (approximately 700 and 50 respectively). To date we have attended team meetings with staff and stakeholders, held listening workshops and engagement events as well as raising awareness of the plans to develop the strategy and seek the views of stakeholders through our Trust website, flyers and news updates. We have sought views from members of the public, patients and donors but as this has been limited we are now seeking further views and are committed to work with Llais to ensure opportunities are maximised.

This engagement will continue as it is imperative that we work collaboratively with all our stakeholders to inform the development of the strategy. As our engagement plans are ongoing we envisage that the aims and principles will evolve throughout this process. To date, opportunities have taken to engage with members of the public.

This plan focuses on the means through which will aim to expand this engagement further and seek further views of blood donors, cancer patients and other interested parties to provide opportunities to give their feedback on the themes that have emerged following engagement activities to date.

As part of this work the Trust will undertake comprehensive Equality Impact and Quality Impact Assessments of the proposed Clinical and Scientific strategy.


What are the draft core principles for the Clinical and Scientific Strategy?

Through engagement with our internal and external stakeholders we have started to develop a set of six core principles below, that are currently in draft form and will be subject to further review based on feedback from our stakeholders.

It is these principles that we need to hear your views on.


Emerging six principles underpinning our Clinical and Scientific Strategy

  1. Through horizon scanning, keep abreast of the pace of change in science and technology, ensuring preparedness for new developments.
  2. Deliver data driven, evidence-based clinically-led care that is underpinned by developments in clinical and scientific knowledge.
  3. Work collaboratively with key partners to deliver local, accessible, and equitable, person-centred, sustainable, clinical services in response to changing need and priorities.
  4. Through strong clinical and scientific leadership drive the clinical and scientific agenda, influence clinical and scientific transformation, and inform prioritisation.
  5. Build clinical and scientific knowledge and expertise through shared learning and continuous improvement that is driven by research, developments, and innovation.

How will we seek further feedback on our draft core principles?

To ensure there are wider opportunities for patients, donors and stakeholders to share their views and help inform the development of the principles we are working with Llais to engage with the public over a 6 week period, which will we do by:

  • Two live online events.
  • One face to face event.
  • Prominent display of information in services areas, to include posters, information on digital display screens and displays.
  • Paper-based information and questionnaires located at key sites across the Welsh Blood Service (WBS) and Velindre Cancer Centre (VCC).
  • Dedicated information page on the Trust, WBS and VCC websites to include Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ’s), access to the questionnaire and details of main contact.
  • Inclusion on South-East Wales Health Board Consultation pages.
  • Social media messaging.

Following discussions with Llais, the Citizens Voice for Wales) it is planned that a 6 week engagement period will run from 7 May to 17 June 2024.



Please provide us with feedback by completing the online questionnaire either by the QR code and URL for the digital questionnaire is below.


Public engagement sessions
  • Online via Teams:
    22 May 2024, 6-7pm
    23 May 2024, 12pm-1pm

  • Face to Face:
    29 May 2024, 5-6pm at Velindre Cancer Centre

If you wish to attend an event please email to confirm which event you would like to attend, and we will send you the link and brief supporting document.


Contact us

Contact by email with any comments at

You can also send comments to Llais at or telephone them on 02920 750112.


Social media

Contribute to any conversations via the Velindre University NHS Trust’s social media channels eg Facebook or X (formerly known as Twitter).


What will happen after the engagement period?

Once the engagement period is complete, all responses and views will be collated and reviewed by the Clinical and Scientific Strategy Lead and Trust Executive leads. The final version of the strategy will be developed and shared with all stakeholders including Llais.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)