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The purpose of this procedure is to ensure an effective management system for the distribution, monitoring and record keeping of all alerts received throughout the Trust. The Trust must be able to demonstrate that it has responded appropriately to alert information that is received. There must be robust audit trails which confirm that appropriate actions have been taken within a reasonable time period
The Trust has a legal duty of care towards those it treats, together with members of the general public and its staff. People who consider they have suffered harm from a breach of this duty can make a claim for compensation and damages against the Trust.
This policy outlines the overarching standard process for risk assessment, covering all Service Divisions and Hosted Organisations within Velindre NHS Trust. The update of this policy is to ensure compliance to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
Medical Gas Cylinders - March 2019
This policy covers handling and management arrangements for medical gas cylinders which are defined as medicines supplied in gas form in a pressurised container for medicinal purposes. The cylinders are also referred to as ‘bottles’.
It does not cover the medical application of the gases concerned.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) advise that Natural rubber latex (NRL) proteins have the potential to cause asthma and urticaria. More serious allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, are also possible. NRL proteins are substances hazardous to health under COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations).
Velindre University NHS Trust attaches great importance to the health, safety and welfare of its patients, staff and visitors, whilst fulfilling its statutory obligations within the law.
The Trust has a legal obligation under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk to employees from the manual handling of loads.Velindre University NHS Trust recognises its duty to provide a safe and secure environment of service users, staff and visitors. Violent or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken to protect staff, service users and visitors.
The Chief Executive and Board of Velindre NHS Trust are committed to the health, safety and welfare of all employees and of those who may be affected by work related activities.
In recognition of the obligation imposed under the Health and Safety at Work etc., Act 1974, Section 2(3), this Policy has been written in accordance with current legislation. The Policy will be reviewed as appropriate, as the Trust changes and/or when legislation, codes of practice and official guidance dictate.
The purpose of this policy is to put systems in place which ensure that all risks associated with the acquisition and use of Medical Devices and Equipment are controlled and minimised, that medical devices and equipment purchased are suitable for intended use and offer best value and to monitor and validate those systems
The transition from undergraduate student to autonomous practitioner can be a stressful and challenging experience for many newly registered nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. Although new registrants (preceptees) are competent and knowledgeable, at the point of registration, they require support and guidance from experienced professionals to assist them to integrate into their new roles and new teams. The Preceptorship Framework for Newly Registered Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (Department of Health (DOH) 2010) articulates the benefits of preceptorship programmes.
The policy describes the ways in which Velindre NHS Trust will comply with the requirements of the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002, which specify minimum health and safety requirements for work with display screen equipment.
The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 details the employers’ duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of employees whilst at work. This policy sets out how Velindre University NHS Trust will ensure the safety of its lone workers.
This policy sets out the steps to be followed when planning, organising and undertaking activity through an international health partnership sponsored by and on behalf of Velindre NHS Trust. The policy is intended to ensure that appropriate governance arrangements are in place to enable the Trust and any staff members undertaking related activity to identify, assess and mitigate risks that may arise through participation in an international health partnership programme
This policy outlines the requirements for the management and control of substances that are hazardous to health (CoSHH) within the organisation, in accordance with current legislation. It includes the use of and the storage and transportation of any substance that is hazardous to health.