Terms of Reference & Operating Arrangements
Reviewed: January 2023.
Approved: July 2024.
Next Review Due: July 2025.
1.1. The Trust’s standing orders provide that “The Board may and, where directed by the Welsh Government must, appoint Committees of the Trust either to undertake specific functions on the Board’s behalf or to provide advice and assurance to the Board in the exercise of its functions. The Board’s commitment to openness and transparency in the conduct of all its business extends equally to the work carried out on its behalf by Committees”.
1.2. In line with standing orders and the Trust’s scheme of delegation, the Board shall nominate annually a Committee to be known as the Audit Committee. The detailed terms of reference and operating arrangements set by the Board in respect of this Committee are set out below.
1.3. These Terms of Reference and Operating Arrangements are based on the model Terms of Reference as detailed in the NHS Wales Audit Committee Handbook June 2012.
2.1. The purpose of the Audit Committee (“the Committee”) is to: • Advise and assure the Board and the Accountable Officer on whether effective arrangements are in place - through the design and operation of the Trust’s system of assurance - to support them in their decision taking and in discharging their accountabilities for securing the achievement of the Trust’s objectives, in accordance with the standards of good governance determined for the NHS in Wales.
2.2. Where appropriate, the Committee will advise the Board and the Accountable Officer on where, and how, its system of assurance may be strengthened and developed further.
2.3. A separate Audit Committee is in operation for the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) which has its own Terms of Reference.
3.1. With regard to its role in providing advice to the Board, the Committee will comment specifically upon:
3.2. The Committee will support the Board with regard to its responsibilities for governance (including risk and control) by reviewing:
3.3. In carrying out this work the Committee will primarily utilise the work of Internal Audit, External Audit and other assurance functions, but will not be limited to these audit functions. It will also seek reports and assurances from other assurance providers, regulators, directors and managers as appropriate, concentrating on the overarching systems of good governance, risk management and internal control, together with indicators of their effectiveness.
3.4. This will be evidenced through the Committee’s use of effective governance and assurance arrangements to guide its work and that of the audit and assurance functions that report to it, and enable the Committee to review and form an opinion on:
3.5. To achieve this, the Committee’s programme of work will be designed to provide assurance that:
In carrying out this work, the Committee will follow and implement the Audit Committee’s Annual Work plan and will be evidenced through meeting papers, formal minutes, and highlight reports to Board and annually via the Annual Governance Statement and Annual Report to the Board.
3.6. The Committee is authorised by the Board to investigate or have investigated any activity (clinical and non-clinical) within its terms of reference. In doing so, the Committee shall have the right to inspect any books, records or documents of the Trust relevant to the Committee’s remit, and ensuring patient/client and staff confidentiality, as appropriate. It may seek relevant information from any:
3.7. The Committee is authorised by the Board to obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if it considers it necessary, in accordance with the Board’s procurement, budgetary and other requirements.
3.8. The Committee is authorised by the Board to approve policies relevant to the business of the Committee as delegated by the Board.
3.9. The Head of Internal Audit and the Auditor General for Wales and his representatives shall have unrestricted and confidential access to the Chair of the Audit Committee at any time, and the Chair of the Audit Committee will seek to gain reciprocal access as necessary.
3.10. The Committee will meet with Internal and External Auditors and the nominated Local Counter Fraud Specialist without the presence of officials on at least one occasion each year.
3.11. The Chair of Audit Committee shall have reasonable access to Executive Directors and other relevant senior staff.
Sub Committees
3.12. The Committee may, subject to the approval of the Trust Board, establish sub Committees or task and finish groups to carry out on its behalf specific aspects of Committee business. At this stage, no sub Committees/task and finish groups have been established.
4.1. A minimum of three (3) members, comprising:
Independent member of the Board (Non-Executive Director)
Two independent members of the Board (Non-Executive Directors) [one member should be a member of the Quality, Safety & Performance Committee]
The Committee may also co-opt additional independent ‘external’ members from outside the organisation to provide specialist skills, knowledge and expertise.
The Chair of the organisation shall not be a member of the Audit Committee. It is considered best practice that the Vice Chair of the Trust Board does not chair the Audit Committee.
(It is considered best practice that the Vice Chair of the Trust Board does not chair the Audit Committee.)
In attendance:
Chief Executive (who should be present when the Committee considers the Internal Audit Plan, the Annual Governance Statement, Annual Quality Statement and the Annual Accounts.)
Executive Director of Finance
Director of Corporate Governance and Chief of Staff
Head of Internal Audit
Head/individual responsible for Clinical Audit
Local Counter Fraud Specialist
Representative of the Auditor General for Wales
Other Executive Directors / Directors will attend as required by the Committee Chair and their attendance will be required when they are Lead for an Audit Report
By invitation
The Committee Chair may invite:
to attend all or part of a meeting to assist it with its discussions on any particular matter.
Secretary – As determined by the Director of Corporate Governance and Chief of Staff
Member Appointments
4.4. The membership of the Committee shall be determined by the Board, based on the recommendation of the Trust Chair - taking account of the balance of skills and expertise necessary to deliver the Committee’s remit and subject to any specific requirements or directions made by the Welsh Government.
4.5. Members shall be appointed for a maximum of 3 consecutive years before formally reviewing their role on the Committee. During this time a member may resign or be removed by the Board.
Support to Committee Members
4.6. The Director of Corporate Governance and Chief of Staff, on behalf of the Committee Chair, shall:
5.1. At least two members must be present to ensure the quorum of the Committee. Frequency of Meetings
5.2. Meetings shall be held no less than 4 times per year, and otherwise as the Chair of the Committee deems necessary – consistent with the Trust’s annual plan of Board Business. The External Auditor or Head of Internal Audit may request a meeting if they consider that one is necessary.
Withdrawal of individuals in attendance
5.3. The Committee may ask any or all of those who normally attend but who are not members to withdraw to facilitate open and frank discussion of particular matters.
6.1. Although the Board has delegated authority to the Committee for the exercise of certain functions as set out within these terms of reference, the Board retains overall responsibility and accountability for ensuring the quality and safety of healthcare for its citizens through the effective governance of the organisation.
6.2. The Committee is directly accountable to the Board for its performance in exercising the functions set out in these terms of reference.
6.3. The Committee, through its Chair and members, shall work closely with the Board’s other Committees to provide advice and assurance to the Board by taking into account:
in doing so, contributing to the integration of good governance across the organisation, ensuring that all sources of assurance are incorporated into the Board’s overall risk and assurance arrangements.
6.4. The Committee will consider the assurance provided through the work of the Board’s other Committees and sub Committees to meet its responsibilities for advising the Board on the adequacy of the Trust’s overall system of assurance by receipt of their annual work plans.
6.5. The Committee shall embed the duty of quality through the Heath and Care Quality Standards through the conduct of its business.
7.1. The Committee Chair shall:
7.2. The Committee shall provide a written, annual report to the Board and the Accountable Officer on its work in support of the Annual Governance Statements, specifically commenting on the adequacy of the assurance arrangements, the extent to which risk management is comprehensively embedded throughout the organisation, the integration of governance arrangements and the appropriateness of self-assessment activity against relevant standards. The report will also record the results of the Committee’s self-assessment and evaluation.
7.3. The Director of Corporate Governance and Chief of Staff, on behalf of the Board, shall oversee a process of regular and rigorous self-assessment and evaluation of the Committee’s performance and operation including that of any sub Committees established. In doing so, account will be taken of the requirements set out in the NHS Wales Audit Committee Handbook.
8.1. The requirements for the conduct of business as set out in the Trust’s Standing Orders are equally applicable to the operation of the Committee, except in the following areas:
Cross reference with the Trust Standing Orders
9.1. These terms of reference and operating arrangements shall be reviewed annually by the Committee with reference to the Board.
10.1. There may, occasionally, be circumstances where decisions which normally be made by the Committee need to be taken between scheduled meetings. In these circumstances, the Committee Chair, supported by the Director of Corporate Governance and Chief of Staff as appropriate, may deal with the matter on behalf of the Committee, after first consulting with two other Independent Members of the Committee. The Director of Corporate Governance and Chief of Staff must ensure that any such action is formally recorded and reported to the next meeting of the Committee for consideration and ratification.
10.2. Chair’s urgent action may not be taken where the Chair has a personal or business interest in the urgent matter requiring decision.