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Staff safety

Our staff and their safety

Velindre NHS Trust has a responsibility to protect staff from incidents of violence, threatening behaviour or verbal abuse. Our staff can use devices to monitor and record incidents where they feel their safety is at risk. Evidence, including audio recordings, obtained through these devices can and may be used in criminal and civil proceedings and/or to take local sanctions against alleged offenders. Velindre NHS Trust is responsible for the use of these devices and any recordings. Reliance (the service provider) manages this facility on behalf of Velindre NHS Trust. For more information about staff safety please contact Tina Hitt.

Velindre NHS Trust will continue to take any steps necessary to safeguard patient confidentiality.


Velindre Cancer Centre, Velindre Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2TL
Tel: 029 2061 5888 
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