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Simple relaxation tips

Calm breathing

Taking some full, steady breaths can be very good at relaxing the body, allowing feelings of panic and worry to be more manageable. It is very good during stressful times but it’s best to make the technique part of your everyday routine so it becomes natural. Find a comfortable position and loosen any tight clothing. If you can, breathe in through the nose slowly and feel the bottom of the lungs gently stretch. You can place a hand on the stomach area to feel the belly rise. Then breathe out through the mouth with pursed lips in a controlled, steady way.  Once you know the technique you can try making the out breath longer than the inbreath and use the nose throughout.

Bring the outside in

Breathing in fresh air and sunlight can have an invigorating effect. Sitting outside or even being near an open window for 20 minutes can blow clear your thoughts and absorb positivity. If you can place your feet upon the earth during this time, it super charges the effects even more.

Wonderful water

Water is not just essential to drink but it also has energising properties of its own. A daily 20 minute bath or foot bath with Epsom salts energises muscles, releases tension and helps to reduce overall tiredness and aches.   

Amazing aromas

Find a favourite scent that you enjoy or reminds you of a pleasant memory. It could be a perfume, cup of hot chocolate, walk in the woods or a holiday scent. Sit comfortably, rest your eyes and take some full, steady nose breaths drawing in your chosen aroma for a couple of minutes. You can even carry this around with you, so you can benefit wherever you are.

Some relaxing essential oils you may find useful are woody scents like cedarwood or petitgrain. Geranium and rose oils are soothing, whilst lavender and chamomile oils can encourage sleep. Uplifting oils like lemon, orange and mint can relieve fatigue and nausea. Always follow the manufacturer instructions and never use neat on the skin.

Sounding good

Nature sounds such as rain, waves and wind through the trees all have a tranquil effect. Sound therapy instruments such as singing bowls and gongs can also have sedation properties. Your own choice of music can provide therapeutic benefits, especially if it has a regular beat and played through overear headphones. You could even try singing out loud or joining a choir, the voice is a great way to release expression and tension.