On 26th April the High Court granted Velindre University NHS Trust an Order for a final injunction. The injunction prohibits the Defendants named or identified in the order, which includes “persons unknown” that is to say anyone – from undertaking direct action within the Land specified in the Order. Direct Action is defined in full in the order but effectively means anyone unlawfully taking specific action to disrupt the Works. “Works” is also defined in the Order. You can find the relevant documents under folder 11 below.
The Final Injunction Order will remain in place until 1 July 2025
The Land to which the interim injunction applies is marked in the map here in blue. ‘Works’ is also defined in the Order.
We want to ensure that everyone understands the scope of the injunction. Most importantly, we want to reassure our local community that it will not impact their day to day lives in the area at all, including being able to peacefully protest. It only covers those undertaking unlawful direct action.
If anyone has any questions about the process do not hesitate to get in touch with Contact.Velindre@wales.nhs.uk and we will answer as soon as possible.
We want to thank everyone for your continued cooperation.
Further Update - 3rd August 2022
Following the High Court granting an Order for a final injunction in April, the Trust would like to confirm the position regarding any potential breaches of this injunction. Anyone who breaches this injunction would be subject to a High Court decision on sanctions. In addition, those undertaking unlawful direct action found in contempt of court may also be forced to repay the costs of their case.
Again, we would like to reassure our local community that the injunction will not impact their day to day lives in the area at all, including being able to peacefully protest. It only covers those undertaking unlawful direct action.
Further Update - 25th April 2022
Ahead of the hearing fixed for 10:30am on 26 April 2022 in the above proceedings, the Claimant has filed with the court costs schedules on 22 April 2022. These schedules detail the costs claimed by the Trust, which have been incurred in the above proceedings, including preparing for the Court hearings of 21 January, 27 January and 26 April 2022. The enclosed schedules are intended to inform both the Defendants and the Court of these costs, as required by Paragraph 9.5(4) of Practice Direction 44 of the Civil Procedure Rules. You can find the relevant documents under folder 10 below.
Further Update - 21st April 2022
On 21 April, the Claimant filed its Skeleton Argument with the Court. The Claimant also filed further evidence in support of its claim. You can find the relevant documents under folder 9 below.
Further Update - 14th April 2022
On 14 April, the Claimant filed with the Court a Trial Bundle, which consists of a Main Bundle and an Exhibit Bundle. You can find the two bundles under folder 8 below.
Further Update - 7th April 2022
On 6 April the Court made an Order adding two new defendants to the proceedings, and permitting the Trust to amend its Claim Form. You can find the relevant documents under folder 7 below.
Further Update - 6th April 2022
On 5 April the Trust filed an application to add two further individuals as named defendants to this claim. The Trust has also filed additional evidence in support of its claim. You can find the relevant documents under folders 5 and 6 below.